
Did Nick Cage Steal The Declaration? FALSE‐Plus 5 More Shocking Snopes Reveals
[Babylon Bee] U.S.‐It can be hard to discern fact from fiction in the age of the internet. Clickbait abounds in a market where getting eyes on ads supersedes the need for truth or journalistic integrity. Thankfully, there are resources to help us tell fact from fiction. The intrepid fact-checkers at Snopes.com. Snopes was created to debunk internet hoaxes, such as the rumor that bears steal monster trucks and level entire cities (Fact Check: True). Lucky for honest truth-seekers, the Snopes team take their job very seriously, even going so far as to fact-check the meticulously researched articles of this very website.

Below are six of our favorite Snopes fact checks and their shocking results.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-04-19