
WND: Criminals, jihadists threaten U. S. Border
EFL via Counter Terrorism Blog

WASHINGTON — What would happen if criminal gangsters, revolutionaries and Islamic terrorists all got together in a common goal of overthrowing governments of America's neighbors and smuggling operatives into and out of the U.S.?

Some senior police and intelligence sources tell Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the weekly, premium, online intelligence newsletter published by WND, that is just what is happening in Central America today.

Senior police and intelligence officers combating violent crime gangs in Central America believe now more than ever, outside forces such as brands of left wing ideologies, national revolutionaries and militant Islam, are involved in the terror style attacks committed by crime groups, reports G2 Bulletin's Yoram East in the latest issue.
A Honduran officer involved in this campaign told G2B the Los Angeles-based Marasalvatrucha, originally a Salvadoran youth gang group, stands at the top of his priority list. A significant number of Honduran gang founders grew out of illegal immigrants to the U.S. Many were arrested following their involvement in crime and, before or after serving jail terms, were deported back to Honduras.

"I have met many gang members from Honduras who were accepted into the already established street gangs here in L.A.," LAPD gang specialist Jeff Norat told G2 Bulletin. "Unfortunately, when they have spent so much time in these criminal organizations, that is their way of life. Even when they are deported they take this way of life back with them, which is appealing to much of the poor youth in that country."
Police sources comprehend the immense national security implications of this trade — and the ability of these gangs to penetrate either side of the border with impunity.

Central American gangs, G2 Bulletin sources say, are moving toward new channels of operation and are in the process of becoming organized in a military fashion.

"By successfully creating terror through their gruesome effectiveness, gangs belonging almost exclusively to the strata of underprivileged Hondurans, are attracting the attention of groups, which, until now, were outside of the picture," says the G2 Bulletin report. "Trade unions with clear left-wing tendencies, financially supported by donations from the Cuban and Venezuelan governments, are considering a more confrontational position — including young, idealistic members of oligarch families, who like many others of similar origins in the past, are dreaming of far-reaching social changes to improve and secure the livelihood of the poor Honduran people. They are ready to unite forces with anyone who is anti-government. If these groups find a way to fight for a common goal, the government in Tegucigalpa will be facing a whole new phenomenon threatening the very fiber of its traditional ruling system."

According to the report, Honduran police recognize the potential for a Middle East terror connection in their midst. They have begun "monitoring of small immigrant communities, predominantly of Middle Eastern background, regarded as more high risk than others. One observable fact is a mujahedeen drive motivated by the silent blessings of sympathizers to convert gang members to Islam. Although the small Arab community of Honduras and other Central American countries opposes extreme moves, a hard core of mainly Lebanese Shiites and Syrian Sunnis is working systematically to gain the gangs' trust."

Given the fact that there is a virtual army of gang members operating in Central America — some 36,000 gang members in Honduras, 14,000 in Guatemala, 10,500 in El Salvador, 1,100 in Nicaragua and 2,600 in Costa Rica — the regional threat and the risk it poses to U.S. national security is high, say G2 Bulletin sources.

A Honduran diplomat told G2 Bulletin under the condition of anonymity: "This unbearable situation is the result of an unwritten agreement between Mexico and the U.S. to turn a blind eye to the porous border. You let them enter and settle in the most dangerous environments in your own country, then you deport some to Mexico, or to their native lands. Therefore we hold you responsible for the problem created by your indifference."
Posted by: Mrs. Davis 2005-01-17