
Jimmy Carter linked to oil-for-food scam
Former President Jimmy Carter has been linked with a key figure in the U.N.'s oil-for-food scandal by the group leading the nationwide effort to evict the United Nations from American soil and halt U.S. funding of the U.N. Move America Forward today will call upon Carter to provide a full accounting of his meetings and conversations with Samir Vincent, who yesterday pleaded guilty to participating in numerous illegal activities as part of the U.N. scandal. "One of two things happened," suggests Morgan. "Either President Carter was totally duped, and allowed himself to be conned into working as an indirect agent of Saddam Hussein, or President Carter knowingly associated himself with a foreign agent who was seeking to undermine American foreign policy."
"No more working for peanuts! Let's get some liquidity going on!"
Yes, Jimmah is rather old, so some degree of senility and gullibility is to be expected. Perhaps that is exactly what he was counting on. It may be about oil, after all...
Posted by: Sobiesky 2005-01-20