
Yasser's mind is going...
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's mental faculties are progressively deteriorating, an Italian newspaper said on Friday, citing a report by several foreign intelligence services. "The same drugs which kept him calm and controlled his facial quivering are now aggravating Yasser Arafat's problems. Memory loss, spontaneous blackouts and concentration problems continue," the weekly Panorama wrote.
Toldja so. It's becoming more noticeable, too. Pretty soon they won't be able to pretend it's not there...
Panorama said the report -- described as an analysis of international intelligence services reports -- was in the hands of the United States and formed the basis for US President George W Bush's call for the Palestinians to replace the veteran 72-year-old Arafat as their leader during his long-awaited speech on US Middle East policy. "Yasser Arafat's state of health played an important role in the frantic diplomatic negotiations which led to Bush's speech about the need to find a new leader for the Palestinians," wrote Panorama, which is owned by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
I'd say that was probably more a factor than a single, latest in a series, report that he was paying al-Aqsa, which is whatcha might call an open secret...
Contesting that claim, a senior Arab official speaking in Amman said Friday that he had met with the Palestinian leader recently and that he was in "excellent shape" and in possession of "all his mental faculties." The official said Arafat "carried on a good conversation, he showed evidence of a clear mind and was articulate in his speech. He was calm, and there was no evident sign of a deterioration in his health."
He's been taking his meds, huh?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-29