
US / India / Israel caused Tsunamis
On December 26, the world witnessed perhaps one of the most deadlieast disasters in modern times, when an undersea earthquake generated huge tidal waves in the Indian ocean, killing at least 175,000 people, including many tourists who came to spend their vacation on the enchanting Southern East Asian shores. Aside from picking up the pieces and trying to aid those who survived the tragic waves, many across the globe are trying to do some soul-searching into why this horrific disaster took place. Among the various "explanations", an Egyptian opposition weekly offered its theory, claiming the earthquake was a result of a joint India-Israel-U.S. nuclear experiment, that brought about the movement of the tectonic plates located underneath the ocean. According to Al Usbua, the experiment's goal was a U.S.-Israel attempt to put an "end to humanity".
It worked. We'll all dead now. Nobody's left, which is a good thing because of the stench of billions of rotting corpses.

Posted by: Thinens Elmomotch9757 2005-01-20