
Iran hardliners threaten to kill exile TV man
A hardline Iranian religious group threatened on Wednesday to carry out suicide attacks on a UK-based Iranian exile TV presenter, saying his broadcasts were inflammatory and insulted Islamic values. Mojtaba Bigdeli, the spokesman of Iran's Hizbollah group, said the British government must ban the satellite channel run by Iranian exiles within 30 days or face the consequences. "After one month, our commandos will carry out suicide attacks in London against the shameless presenter of the channel," Bigdeli told Reuters by telephone.
I'd call this significant. Here's an Iranian government-sponsored band of fascisti threatening a government. Now, to me, it would seem that Iran would be held accountable for the actions of the Sturmabteilung...
He said his group was independent of Lebanon's Hizbollah, which analysts say receives training and financing from Iran.
But they do receive their training and financing from the Iranian government. They're the thugs who're used to suppress the students when they try and break out of their straightjackets...
Farsi language Ma-TV presenter Manouchehr Fouladvand's comments, mocking the Prophet Muhammad and Islam's holy book the Koran, have spurred several hardline commentators in Iran to demand his death. "He has crossed our red lines by insulting our prophet and Islamic values," Bigdeli said. British embassy officials in Tehran were not immediately available for comment. Previously they had criticised Fouladvand's views while defending his right to free speech.
Yesterday it was Rushdie, today Fouladvand, tomorrow who? Murder is their business.

Posted by: Fred 2005-01-21