
Many Pilgrims Stone 'Devil' Bush in Haj Ritual
EFL.Guess they didn't like the speech either. Lay the "Hook 'em Horns!" sign on them, Dubya.
MENA, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Haj pilgrims pelted stones at symbols of the devil on Friday, with many saying they were targeting President Bush and other world leaders seen as oppressing Muslims.
Christ, that's like... all of them.
Many pilgrims said they were thinking of Bush and his allies while they were hurling pebbles at the site where the devil is said to have appeared to the biblical patriarch Abraham.
"Yes, the devil is Bush and that other one from Israel -- (Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon. And there's (British Prime Minister) Blair too," said Egyptian Tia'amah Mohammed.
...and Chirac for not letting us wear the head thingy's and the Spanish guy for not letting us blow up trains and...
"We throw the stones so we can vent our anger at them."
There aren't that many stones on the planet.
Many Muslims revile Bush for his perceived bias toward Israel and the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Anger at Sharon also runs deep over Israel's occupation of Palestinian land and Jerusalem, the site of one of Islam's holiest shrines.
Just one?
British journalist Yvonne Ridley, who converted to Islam following her capture by the Taliban in 2001 in the buildup to the Afghan war, said: "During the stoning I couldn't help thinking of Bush, Blair and Sharon."
Yvonne, you whackjob bitch! Where have you been?
Syrian Ibrahim Hussein added: "I was throwing stones at the devil because through that we cleanse ourselves of sin. When throwing the stones you shouldn't be thinking of political issues, or Bush and Sharon -- that's for our prayers (against them)."
If I was Syrian these days, I'd be praying...a lot.
Read this helpful manual, "So You're Going To Stone The Pillars".When you stone, stone safely.
Saudi Arabia, facing a storm of criticism, revamped the Jamarat area, expanding the stoning targets and deploying thousands of security forces to control the crowd. They also replaced the three pillars the pilgrims stone with thick walls providing a larger target to prevent the crush that normally occurs at the site.
Step right up and stone the Pillars! Ten tosses for a buck! Win a swell prize! Smite the infidel! Step right up!
Graffiti denouncing Bush had daubed the pillars. The new walls have so far remained clean.
So far. The frat boys from Saudi State will probably sneak in tonight.
"Thank God, we have not witnessed anything unusual or any accidents or deaths so far during the stoning," Brigadier Mansour al-Turki told reporters. "We hope the improvements will continue to keep the pilgrims safe."
There goes my stampede bet.
Posted by: tu3031 2005-01-21