
Justin Amash Underwater Beneath 20 Percent, Trails Challenger by Double Digits
[BREITBART] Rep. Justin Amash
...pretend Republican congressman from Michigan, who probably won't be there come 2020...
(R-MI), the Michigan Never Trump GOP congressman who recently publicly backed impeachment of President Donald Trump
...Perhaps no man has ever had as much fun being president of the US...
, is now underwater in his own district according to a poll obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.
Aaaaand just quit the GOP yesterday
If he isn’t a party member, why would they let him run in their primary?
Amash is polling at just 17 percent in the GOP primary, trailing State Rep. Jim Lower by double digits. Lower, who announced his candidacy as Amash revealed his support for impeaching Trump, is at 27 percent‐a 10-point lead over Amash. What’s more, another Amash challenger, State Rep. Lynn Afendoulis, is tied with the congressman for 17 percent‐meaning one challenger to the incumbent representative is beating him by double digits and a second is already tied with him.

Another challenger, activist Tom Norton, is at 5 percent in this poll. Pete Meijer, the heir to the Meijer supermarket chain fortune who just announced his candidacy on Wednesday, polls at just 4 percent in this survey. Thirty percent of respondents were undecided.

The poll, conducted by Strategic National, surveyed 400 likely Republican voters in Michigan’s third congressional district from June 29 to July 1 and has a margin of error of 4.89 percent.

Another potential candidate, businessman and real estate developer Joel Langlois who owns the DeltaPlex facility in which President Trump has held rallies as well as manufacturing companies, is also considering running for the seat, sources familiar with the matter tell Breitbart News, but he was not polled in this survey.

Posted by: Fred 2019-07-04