
Preview Of The Insurgency's Plan To Disrupt Elections
Via Captain's Quarters:

I wonder where they got the idea for some of this????

A friend of CQ forwarded an e-mail from a family member serving in Iraq and working on the elections slated for Sunday. In his e-mail, he alerted his friends and family to these instructions on the Arabic forum "Lion's Den" frequented by terrorists and their sympathizers, giving instructions on how to disrupt polling on January 30. None of the following is terribly surprising, but it shows how sophisticated and detailed their plans have become.

"Mudad Iluj" instructed the Iraqi dead-enders last January 1 on specific tasks to wreak havoc:...


This missive makes clear that the bombings are just a prelude, a softening of the opposition, in advance of the main attempt to dismantle the elections. In the next two or three days, we need to watch for the following:

1. Sudden withdrawals of large numbers of candidates from the elections just before the ballots go out to the polling stations

2. Ballots stolen before and after the election in large quantities

3. Mainstream media stories showing stolen ballots

4. Of course, all-day attacks on polling stations.

We're just five days away from Election Day, and from this message, it looks as if we can expect these operations to begin as early as tomorrow or Thurday. Forewarned, however, is forearmed.

Posted by: anonymous2u 2005-01-25