
President Trump: The exterminator of scurrying political correctness
[COMMDIGINEWS] Political correctness is a lot like the menacing O’Brien. Rather than physical torture, it enforces its power by use of feigned outrage and equally feigned moral superiority. That contrived moral preeminence comes with a license to condemn those who describe reality for what it is as heinous reprobates. And the worst of these ne’er-do-wells are branded racists.

This grants Elijah Cummings
...Representative-for-life from Maryland, representing half of Baltimore City, which makes his district ultra-safe, and most of Howard County, which is out-populated by the city. His shiny pate is the reason we pronounce the city name Baldymore. Cummings' politix are so liberal they're tedious, nor is he any more honest than the next seedy professional pol...
a license of sorts. He isn’t required to explain why the people of his district live in what pest control company Orkin describes as one of Americas "rattiest cities." Nor is he required to explain why crippling poverty grips the people of his district where progressive Democrats have been in control of Baltimore for decades.

...back at the game, the Babe was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger and bigger. Finally it hit him...
those in the media who condemn President Trump for his accurate description of Baltimore talk out of both sides of their duplicitous mouths.

The Baltimore Sun, for instance, ran a scathing editorial critical of Trump’s critique of Cummings’ sham virtue:

"The White House has far more power to effect change in this city, for good or ill, than any single member of Congress including Mr. Cummings. If there are problems here, rodents included, they are as much his responsibility as anyone’s, perhaps more because he holds the most powerful office in the land."

The Sun forgets that Trump is not Big Brother. The good citizens of Baltimore, not Trump, govern themselves. They just aren’t very good at it. The fact that Elijah Cummings is currently serving his 13th term in the US House of Representatives is all the proof you need.

Ironically, the dire reality of Democrat misrule was the very subject of a previous Baltimore Sun editorial.

"In short, the Democratic Party, at every level ‐ local, state and federal ‐ remains completely ineffectual and continues to fail the people of Baltimore at every turn. This is no new development. The fact is that the Democratic Party has failed Baltimore and every other major American city for the last 50 years. What were once the shining examples of American progress have become abandoned shells inhabited primarily by those who do not have the means to move elsewhere."

Does this mean we should now construe the word "ineffectual" as a dog whistle designed to stir the sleeping mongrel of racism? Perhaps one of CNN’s on-screen personalities will work up some tears while pondering that very question.

You see, Trump is not hated by the left’s PC guardians in corporate media because he is "conservative." He is hated for so easily trouncing the tyranny of political correctness with a tweet and a smile.

And polls show the American people are as disdainful of political correctness as is their president.

Posted by: Fred 2019-07-31