
Militant Gunmen Killed in Russian Caucasus Standoff
All the armed militants barricaded in a house in the city of Nalchik during a three-day standoff in the Russian internal republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, North Caucasus, are thought to have been killed, a source in the local operation headquarters was quoted by Russian Information Agency Novosti as saying. Bomb disposal experts are searching the house for booby traps set by the gunmen.
Two policemen were wounded in the standoff with the gunmen. There were seven militants in the house, four of them women. A local interior official quoted by Interfax said that according to preliminary information, they were the gunmen's wives and sisters.
The group of gunmen could be linked to the radical Islamic organization "Yarmuk" that claimed responsibility for an attack on the republic's Drug Control Service headquarters on Dec. 13. Four servicemen were killed in that incident and a large amount of weapons were stolen. One of the killed militants was identified as the head of "Yarmuk", Muslim Atayev, Interfax reported.
UPDATE: NALCHIK, January 27 (RIA Novosti) - Three out of seven terrorists eliminated in Nalchik have been identified. They come from the village of Kendeler of the Elbrus district in Kabardino-Balkaria (a constituent republic in the North Caucasus), a source in the investigation group told RIA Novosti.
Among them is Muslim Atayev, the leader of the so-called Yarmuk jamaat which assumed responsibility for the attack on the State Drug Control department of Kabardino-Balkaria in December 2004 when four drug policemen were killed and many weapons stolen. According to the source, women who stayed with the militants in the house in Nalchik's outskirts also rendered active armed resistance. They shot Kalashnikov assault-rifles.
Three men and four women were killed, the source said adding that the apartment where the terrorists had been hiding supposedly belonged to one of these women.
Posted by: Steve 2005-01-27