
Glenn K. Beaton: We’re all racists now
[ASPENTIMES] All this would be comical except that it carries a real risk. If everyone is racist, then nobody is. The term loses its opprobrium. It’s like accusing someone of masturbation. So what?

The net effect is that real racists get a pass. When someone calls them out for their racism, they can say, "The race card? Really? Is that all you got?"

But racism really is terrible. Judging people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character is destructive and unfair (notwithstanding that, as pointed out above, some believe today that it is racist to do otherwise).

In addition, overplaying the race card invariably plays it against people who don’t deserve it. Just because a person thinks America should have a secure border, plays chess, drives a pickup truck, believes in capitalism, socialism or Judaism, defends affirmative action, wears a beard or doesn’t like being called a racist, doesn’t make him a racist.

It’s fun to call people vile names when you disagree with them. But it’s not productive, persuasive, grown-up or honest. It’s just cheap insults and lazy thinking.

Now go ahead and prove my point in the comments by ignoring the issue and instead calling me names.
Posted by: Fred 2019-09-09