
Trump Supporting High Schooler Harassed, Threatened and Hounded Out of School by Liberal Classmates
[THEGATEWAYPUNDIT] Washington DC senior Jayne Zirkle was forced to leave her high school after continued harassment and threats from her liberal classmates for supporting President Trump. And Jayne says the teachers were not helpful. She even had instances where the liberal teachers lowered her grades because she supported the president.
Update from American Thinker at 1:59 p.m. Mountain Time:
The principal of a high-performing magnet high school located in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. has jeopardized the safety of one of his students because of her support for President Trump.

Jayne Zirkle, a senior at School Without Walls High School, known as "Walls," will spend the rest of the school year taking classes online. The severity of threats and harassment coming from her classmates has made it impossible for her to attend the public school without fear of physical harm.
Separate but unequal.
When Zirkle went to D.C. public school leaders, including the principal of Walls, Richard Trogisch, she presented them with 200 pages of evidence outlining harassment, threats, and cyber-bullying from fellow students.

When Zirkle went to D.C. public school leaders, including the principal of Walls, Richard Trogisch, she presented them with 200 pages of evidence outlining harassment, threats, and cyber-bullying from fellow students.
Posted by: Fred 2019-09-09