
Don't ban the swastika
MUCH fuss in Britain lately about Prince Harry's choice of costume at a fancy dress party: the uniform of the Afrika Korps, the Nazis' desert troops, complete with swastika. EU officials are now demanding a continent-wide ban on the display of the Nazi symbol. This is Brussels' answer for any complicated question: if something is bothersome, or might demand some nuanced thinking, outlaw it.

Actually, let's not. The practical effect of banning "symbols of tyranny" such as the swastika, and the communist hammer and sickle, can be seen here in Hungary. They become glamorous icons of rebellion whose display brings instant and copious media coverage... That said, it does seem incredible that nobody told His Royal Stupidness that: a) swastikas are neither cool nor funny; and b) there would be people with cameras at the party, and it was 110% guaranteed that he would end up on the front page of the newspapers...
Posted by: Anonymoose 2005-01-30