
After Trump, We're Next
[American Thinker] The Democrats in 2016 graciously gave Americans the opportunity to do as we were told and vote for Hillary Clinton. And just as we so many times disappointed Barack Obama, we failed them as well, proving our illegitimacy as a citizenry.

Electing Trump was the last straw for them ‐ plastic, of course, paper is for us rabble. They used to want only our money, but since we elected Trump, they’ve decided to come for everything else we enjoy as free citizens of the Republic.

Trump is all that stands between the America we cherish and the left’s policies for "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." They know that for us, 2020 is a "Flight 93" election and impeaching Trump on what is the thinnest of gruel, and arguably the finest example of projection today, is a last-ditch effort to either depose him or damage him enough politically to make him unelectable come next November.

With the media, their unctuous allies in scurrility, the left knows every specious allegation will be portrayed as fact in every article, on every news panel, and in every talking-head utterance. It used to be the "big lie." Now it is a million little lies told by a camarilla of politicians and skirling media that they hope will rid the left of their Orange Man bane.

The left must make sure that someone like Trump never happens again, should they succeed at deposing Trump, or better yet, damaging him to the point where he loses in 2020, for defeating him at the polls can be trumpeted as the "will of the people."

They will take our citizenship. Citizens have the right to vote and that is something they can’t fully rig until they accumulate enough power to implement democracy as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan understands democracy: "One election, once." Instead, they are honing the art of cheating and weakening election integrity efforts while flooding the country with enough illegal aliens to negate our vote and guarantee eternal leftist primacy. In short, they will replace us with a more compliant citizenry.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-10-08