
Pilger on the war...
From The Mirror, by the Learned Mr Pilger. I couldn't resist...
Since last October, Afghan leaders have reported American aircraft destroying villages "too small to be marked on any map" with "more than 300 people killed" in one night. In a family of 40, only a small boy and his grandmother survived, reported Richard Lloyd Parry of the Independent.
We used teeny-tiny bombs, too small to be seen with the naked eye to destroy the villages that were too teeny-tiny to be marked on any map. They were inhabited by teeny-tiny people, too, so small that munchkins used to come by and beat them up. It was really a mercy...
Out of sight of the television cameras "at least 3,767 civilians were killed by US bombs between October 7 and December 10...an average of 62 innocent deaths a day", according to a study carried out at the University of New Hampshire in the US. This is now estimated to have passed 5,000 civilian deaths: almost double the number killed on September 11.
It's Marc Herold again. If you repeat a lie often enough, some people will come to believe it. It's not dead yet?
There is no evidence that a single leader of al-Qaeda has been captured or, to anyone's knowledge, killed. Neither has the leader of the Taliban. The change in Afghanistan is minimal compared with the murderous feudalism that ruled during the 1990s, and before the Taliban came to power.
Who's the Abu Zubaydah fellow we have? Something about him being Binny's successor? Howcome he doesn't count? And then there's that bunch of dead guys who were impersonating al-Qaeda. Really, they should sue.
For all the cosmetic changes in Kabul, the capital, women still dare not go unveiled. "The Taliban used to hang the victim's body in public for four days," quipped the new American-installed regime's Minister of Justice. "We will only hang the body for a short time, say fifteen minutes, after a public execution."
So how can you claim that's not an improvement? Surely you're not claiming there's no one in Afghanistan worth hanging?
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-07-05