
Tax-Funded Muslims Seek to End "Christian privilege"
[FreedomProject] Muslim radicals funded by the U.S. government are working with officials in Michigan, Minnesota, and other states to put an end to what they describe as "Christian privilege" in public schools. Instead, they want government education to "infuse the curriculum" with Islamic "intellectual traditions."
Say it with me: “The Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees the separation of church and state, and no establishment of religion.” So do many state constitutions. If you want religious instruction, set up a private school whose curriculum meets state academic standards, like everyone else, or home school.
The real goals of the effort, though, have nothing to do with ending mythical "Christian privilege." In fact, public schools in America have been successfully turning children against Christianity and the Bible for generations.

Instead, the goal of the Islamic effort is to indoctrinate students into being ashamed of their nation's great Christian roots, while promoting Islam at taxpayer expense to children in government care.

In a handout
this handout
titled "Islamophobia and Christian Privilege" being distributed to school officials, a copy of which was obtained by The Newman Report, authorities are told that schools must recognize that "Islamophobia" is among the most widespread and tolerated forms of "oppression" in America.

To deal with it, schools are told they must work to deconstruct "Christian privilege" and "White privilege." This "privilege" is defined as having Sundays and Christian holidays off, as well as "approaches to learning, purpose of education, and even sources of what counts as knowledge."

As part of "empowering Muslim student identities," educators are told that schools must complete "annual equity audits," have "Muslim student speak-outs," and spend tax money promoting Islam.

Sources tell The Newman Report that school boards and officials in Minnesota are anxious to implement the schemes.

After all, this is where Muslim Attorney General Keith Ellison and Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are supported by a fast-growing community of Islamists imported by the U.S. government from the Middle East and Africa.

The "Islamophobia and Christian Privilege" document was copyrighted by Indiana University School of Education's Great Lakes Equity Center. It was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (grant number S004D110021).

The primary author listed on the Islamic demands was Islamist Dr. Muhammad Khalifa, a University of Minnesota professor dealing with "education" and "organizational leadership." He also specializes in performing Sharia-compliant "equity audits" on U.S. schools.

Do read the rest of this infuriating story at the Freedom Project

An example of one of the videos being shown to white school students in Minnesota right now. Similar videos and even textbooks glorifying Islam and demonizing Christianity are being used in government schools across America. This is true even in Utah, as school books obtained by The Newman Report show clearly.

Not white students, Dron66046, public school students.

Posted by: Dron66046 2019-10-19