
Mifsud's Phones Obtained by Durham Have UK Sim Cards Tying Them to the UK ‐ AND BACK TO JOHN BRENNAN
Pulled from a comment from our own JohnQC this morning:
[Gateway Pundit] General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell a few days ago requested that the DOJ turn over the contents of two phones related to Joseph Mifsud. We now know those phones were from the UK, the country that is more suspect than Russia ever was!

Sidney Powell on Tuesday demanded the DOJ "produce evidence that has only recently come into [the DOJ’s] possession. This evidence includes the data and metadata of the following two devices:"

We were the first to point out that there was more than one spy working to derail the Trump team back in 2015 in our post in June 2018. The President retweeted information in our post only to be ridiculed by the corrupt media ‐ to this day Wikipedia claims Trump was incorrect ‐

Posted by: Besoeker 2019-10-21