
Oxford bans clapping for being an 'anxiety trigger'
[WASHINGTONEXAMINER] England's historic University of Oxford has instituted a ban on clapping during "Student Council meetings and other official SU events,"citing the potential anxiety-triggering nature of the loud sound of applause.

An official statement from the Student Council at Oxford announced the intention to request that students opt for the British Sign Language "silent jazz hands" instead of loud clapping as it may not be an "inclusive" behavior. The statement noted that applause could cause discomfort for students at the university that were dealing with "anxiety disorders, sensory sensitivity, and/or those who use hearing impairment aids."
"UP Twinkles!"
Oxford, which has been in continual operation as an institute of higher learning since at least AD 1096, became the second major university in England to reject clapping in favor of jazz hands. The University of Manchester adopted the same rule in 2018, an act the Oxford student union praised in their statement. The Student Union says they will mandate that Sabbatical Officers of the school encourage the use of jazz hands and further requests that the SOs "lobby the University" to enact jazz hands at all school functions.

Posted by: Fred 2019-10-25