
Hizb ut Tehrir sure hates that War on Terror
In continuation of the brutal campaign against members of Hizb ut-Tahrir, another of the partners in the "War Against Terrorism", the Egyptian government, continues to detain dozens of Hizb ut-Tahrir members, including three from Britain. Reza Pankhurst, Ian Nisbet and Majid Nawaz continue to be harshly treated and have endured torture at the hands of the Egyptian security services - including the use of electric shock treatment. Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain plans to further intensify its campaign to put the spotlight upon the West's unscrupulous allies in the "War Against Terrorism" , by holding a march to the Uzbek Embassy in London on Saturday 20th July. Simultaneous marches will take place in Europe, Australia and Indonesia. It is undeniable that the real motive for waging "War Against Terrorism" is not to counter terrorism. The real motive is clearly to establish and strengthen US hegemony and influence over the Islamic lands, their people, and their resources in order to repress any semblance of Islamic political resurgence.
Everyone knows the War on Terror is directed at all Muslims, everywhere, and the only reason for it is that we just don't like them. They're icky and they wear those things on their heads, and we're jealous because their women are so good-looking. We want to destroy them out of pure jealousy, when you come right down to it, because we know we can never be as holy as they are. We pretend it's because we're opposed to barbarism, sadism, brutality, and inhuman cruelty, but the truth is that we just can't take the purity of Wahhabi Islam. Those airplanes crashing into our buildings, all those dead people, that's just a pretext.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-07-05