
Biden campaign on 'life support'
[THEHILL] Former Vice President Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...Old, boring, a plagiarist, fond of hair sniffing and grabbing the protruding parts of women, and not whatcha call brilliant...
's campaign, it’s on life support after spending a million dollars on private jets shuttling in between fundraisers... only to end up with 9 million dollars in the bank

Biden's cash on hand totals rank him fourth in the Democratic field despite the candidate doing almost no national media and sparsely holding rallies. Literally the only thing he does is fundraise.

Despite that, the lackluster returns have led to a major reversal for the Biden campaign. After months of disavowing super PAC support, the Biden campaign put out a new statement saying super PAC support is now ok.

Biden is effectively trying to get his rich donors to bail him out of the race by greenlighting all the money that they can spend on his behalf in the early states. This is mightily hypocritical according to...Vice President Joe Biden himself back in a 2018 interview on PBS Newshour.

Not only did Biden say he is against taking super PAC money, he apparently gave the idea to Senator Bernie Sanders
...The only first openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords. He ran for the 2016 nomination for president, to be cheated out of it by Hillary Clinton, then went back to being a socialist, waiting for 2020 to roll around...
! As with most things in Biden's record, there is something from his past that disputes what he is saying today. It just demonstrates the sheer desperation that his campaign is operating on to try and limp forwards towards the nomination.

Posted by: Fred 2019-10-27