
The Fake Farmer's Revolt Against Trump
[Hot Air] One of the constant media themes over the past couple of years has been the story of how terrible Donald Trump’s trade wars with various countries ‐ particularly China ‐ have been for farmers in the midwest. They are allegedly further angered by the President’s "favors" to the oil and gas industry in the form of waivers granted to smaller refineries under the Renewable Fuel Standard, leading to lower prices for corn. This, if you believe what’s regularly repeated on CNN and other outlets, has led to Trump’s support among those in the agricultural community declining. The farmers are angry at the toll that’s been taken on their profits and their way of life.

This mantra has been picked up in outlets both large and small. One example can be found in this breathless article from The Gazette in Iowa. It declares, "No more Iowa nice!" The article then goes on to suggest that farmers are so upset with Trump’s EPA that he’s losing support among a group that was previously solidly behind him.
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-10-27