
These Democratic presidential candidates could be the next political casualties
[MCCLATCHYDC] We’re now at the stage where financial and political realities crush the hopes of more. The pace of casualties will increase. Already a third of the overweight field has given up. Most recently, it was Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan.
... represents the area up around Akron, a Jim Traficant protege, tried to replace Nancy Pelosi as party head in 2016. He failed, of course, proving that youth and energy are no competition for old age and guile — which he demonstrated again when he failed to get anyone’s attention as presidential candidate...
Soon, it will be Julian Castro, among others, then likely Sens. Kámala Harris
Former Oakland mayor Willie Brown's former mistress, now a senatrix from California and 2020 Dem presidential hopeful, indistinguishable from the others...
and Cory Spartacus Booker
U.S. Senator-for-Life from Noo Joisey, formerly the mayor of Newark. Booker is a candidate for president in 2020, running on a platform of Make America Newark. He once wrote an essay on how to grope babes. He is noted for having an imaginary friend named T-Bone...
Posted by: Fred 2019-11-06