
San Francisco Supervisor Chants 'F*** the [Police Officers Association]' During DA Candidate's Campaign Rally
[MRCTV.ORG] Heading into 2020, it seems we’ve entered into an age in which anyone, from Twitter troll to elected public official, can say whatever strikes their fancy no matter how abhorrent, destructive or violent, from any microphone they can manage to find, and with near impunity.

Oh, sorry. I mean, any liberal. Conservatives can’t do that.

Take, for example, the Socialist paradise of San Francisco
...where God struck dead Anton LaVey, home of the Sydney Ducks, ruled by Vigilance Committee from 1859 through 1867, reliably and volubly Democrat since 1964...
Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer, who, after clunking her way up to the stage to stump for left-wing district attorney candidate Chesa Boudin, used her moment at the podium to rant against the city’s 2,000-member police union by leading the audience in the chant, "F*** the POA [Police Officers Association]!"


According to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Fewer raised her middle fingers while flanked by some of the city’s notable progressive leaders. Behind her were Supervisors Matt Haney and Hillary Ronen, as well as former Supervisors Jane Kim and David Campos."

The chant was reportedly in response to the POA’s position against Boudin.

Again, as I mentioned previously, this is a city supervisor. An elected city supervisor. Who apparently thinks it’s shrugs-a-plenty to rant profane things at her own city’s coppers.

Hilariously, Fewer followed up her unhinged tirade the next day by saying she’s sorry that her curses were "construed as an insult" toward coppers, but that she "cannot apologize" to the POA.

"It has been brought to my attention that the comments that I made last night, directed at the leadership of the Police Officers Association, were construed as an insult and an attack on the members of the San Francisco Police Department," Fewer said in a statement. "As this was not at all my intent, I would like to issue an apology to the 2,000 officers of the San Francisco Police Department; I am sorry for any offense that my comments may have caused."

"That said, I cannot apologize for my comments last night directed at the leadership of the Police Officers Association (POA)," Fewer added.

Boudin, whom Fewer was supposedly supporting during her rant, tried to distance himself from the incident without throwing Fewer completely under the bus, saying he "wasn't in the room when [the chant] started."

"I was surprised that it happened. I think it's coarse language I wouldn't have used it myself, but I think it shows some real dissatisfaction on the part of voters and even elected officials," Boudin said.

It also shows some extreme buttheadedness on the part of your elected officials, but hey. Can’t say that out loud.

Posted by: Fred 2019-11-08