
Donald Trump and The Art of Political Warfare
Over the past three decades far too many Republicans and Establishment Conservatives have acquiesced to the conventional wisdom that the American Left (i.e. the Democratic Party), are superior tacticians in the arena of political warfare. This hypothesis took hold as spineless Republicans and the Washington-based conservative intelligentsia were willingly intimidated by the Left and their allies in the mainstream media. But is this cabal nonpareil political tacticians or just the overconfident beneficiary of decades of feckless and near non-existent opposition?

The election of Donald Trump in 2016, the subsequent reaction and the repeated failed attempts to intimidate, remove or effectively castrate him by the Democrats and the mainstream media graphically illustrates that this cabal may well be the Keystone Kops of political warfare.
That's, IMO, an insult to Keystone Kops
...the cabal that is the American Left, the Democratic Party, and the mainstream media are a hodge podge of dedicated Marxists, bureaucrats, academics, pundits, politicians and elite wannabes who have but one thing in common: a crippling and overweening self-absorption. The majority do not favor outright Socialism or radical environmentalism but cynically ally with those that do as means to an end: their permanent control and individual involvement in operating levers of ever-expanding governmental power.

Thus, there is no coherent and consistent philosophy or guiding political principles undergirding this army of egotists. They do not now nor have they ever known who they are. Thus, if they ever succeeded in achieving their goal of permanent control of the levers of power, this nation would descend into unbridled and violent chaos.

Over the past 30 years the Left and the Democratic Party have utilized a dog-eared playbook whose only entry encompasses the personal destruction of any opponent by any means possible as their singular strategy. Just the threat of or the opening salvo of this tactic has been successful as innumerable Republican and conservative leaders surrendered virtually without a fight. The Left knew its enemy but its enemy did not know the Left. Accordingly, the Left calmly and unemotionally went about forcing Republicans out of office or dramatically changing their positions on an issue.

That is until Donald Trump burst upon the scene and vengeance for being Donald Trump and defeating the crown princess, Hillary Clinton, became the overriding emotion of the anti-Trump cabal. However, they still relied on the same 30-year old dog-eared playbook as they stumbled and fumbled amid the pratfalls of "getting" Trump.

Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2019-11-08