
There's This Thing Called Due Process That We Ought to Try
[Townhall] I get a little picky about this whole due process thing, not just because I’m a lawyer and not just because I helped defend our Constitution overseas in uniform a couple times, but because I’m an American citizen. Let’s understand clearly the nature of the due process argument over impeachment. This is not about Donald Trump getting due process. This is about the American people getting due process.

It’s our choice for president that is being challenged. You get due process under our glorious Constitution when you are about to have your individual rights infringed ‐ like having your freedom or money taken. President Trump has no individual right to be president. It’s a position that we citizens gave him in order to work for us. The presidency is not his, any more than being a colonel meant the eagle belonged to me. The real due process rights at issue here belong to us, America’s citizens, who are faced with the prospect of having our right to choose our president infringed upon.

In other words, when no one is allowed to put on a defense to the impeachment inquisition, it’s not Trump who is being deprived of his due process rights. It’s the American people who are being deprived of their due process rights.

Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2019-11-14