
Shock Poll Has Sweden Nationalists More Emboldened Than Ever
When everyone else refuses even to acknowledge there is a Moslem colonist problem, whoever does will get ever more votes.
[NEWS.YAHOO] The leader of a party once shunned for its ties to far-right extremism is now riding a wave of popularity that he says may pave the way to a century of political dominance in Sweden.

Jimmie Akesson, the 40-year-old head of the Sweden Democrats, woke up on Friday to news that his party was now polling as the country’s biggest. At 24%, it’s a few percentage points ahead of the ruling Social Democrats that have towered over Sweden’s political landscape for most of the postwar era.

"We want to be part of shaping this country over the next 100 years, just as the Social Democrats have been doing for 100 years," Akesson said in an interview at the Swedish parliament in Stockholm. "We want political influence, and we want a significant influence."

The kind of influence Akesson is talking about would mark an historic break with the balance of power in Sweden, where the political establishment once vowed to keep the Sweden Democrats out of any coalition. The more established groups on the right and left have pointed to the party’s past ties to neo-Nazi
...adherents of a philosophy that was seen even at the time as pure evil, which makes them either consciously and purely evil, or attention-seeking ratbags. Pick one, or both....
s and white supremacists in defense of their efforts to isolate the group.

But that stance seems increasingly out of step with what voters in Sweden want. A separate poll from Sifo also out on Friday put support for the Sweden Democrats at 23%, the highest level ever registered by that pollster. While still trailing the Social Democrats, Sifo said the difference between the two parties was not statistically significant.

Posted by: Fred 2019-11-19