
Newest Wrinkle - Did Trump Lie to Mueller?
[BBC] “Did the president lie?" a House lawyer said in court as he requested files from the special counsel's inquiry. Congressional impeachment lawmakers are reportedly scrutinising the president's statements to Mr Mueller on WikiLeaks.

Mr Trump did not testify in the Mueller investigation, but he did submit written responses to some questions from the Mueller team.

During Mr Mueller's testimony before Congress in July, he was asked whether Mr Trump's incomplete written responses showed he was not always telling the truth. Mr Mueller replied: "I would say, generally."

It is unclear what exactly Mr Mueller meant by his response, except he was not too lucid at that time but Mr Letter told the court on Monday he believed it meant the president "had been untruthful in some of his answers".
He believed? Or did he hear it from somebody's cousin who said his Aunt Hillary told him?
US media report Mr Letter may have been referring to whether Mr Trump lied about contacts with WikiLeaks and knowledge that they were going to publish hacked Democratic emails.
Posted by: Bobby 2019-11-19