
Kamala Harris Puts On Southern-Fried Accent for Single Debate Question
[BREITBART] Sen. Kámala Harris
Former Oakland mayor Willie Brown's former mistress, now a senatrix from California and 2020 Dem presidential hopeful, indistinguishable from the others...
(D-CA), who was born in Oakland, Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party,, and grew up in Berkeley, broke into her campaign-trail southern accent for just one question during Wednesday’s 2020 Democrat presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia.

The odd moment occurred as Harris, who is polling in single digits nationally, explained how she would unite the "Obama coalition" to win the White House.

"Look, there’s a lot at stake in this election and I’ve said many times that justice is on the ballot in 2020," Harris began. "It’s about economic justice, it’s about justice for children, it’s about justice for our teachers."

"This issue is not, ’what is the fight?'" Harris continued, before deploying the accent: "The issue is: ’how we gonna win?"

"To win, we have to build a coalition to rebuild the Obama coalition. I’ve been referring to that because that’s the last time we won," she added.

Posted by: Fred 2019-11-22