
Notre Dame Students Call for the Removal of White Authors from Curriculum
[BREITBART] Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are calling for the removal of white authors from the university curriculum to "decolonize" the university. According to the students, "diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship."

According to a report by The College Fix, a student activist group at the University of Notre Dame called "End Hate at ND" is demanding that the university drastically rewrite course curriculum because they believe it currently features too many works by white authors.

The student activist group published a list of demands to their Instagram page. The students demanded that the curriculum be revised so that the works of minority authors account for at least 50 percent of required readings.

Cultural competence is key in building empathy for marginalized folks. No course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices. We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings. Diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship. Everyone should see themselves represented in coursework.

Posted by: Fred 2019-11-26