
With Islam We Fight Terrorism (Not ScrappleFace)
Some non-Muslims, especially those who do not know the basic principles and teachings of Islam, may wonder about the title of this article as Islam has been wrongly used as a synonym for terrorism and most Westerners consider Muslims terrorists. Actually, Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Terrorism is an international phenomenon and is found in every country and society. All divine religions have categorically rejected terrorism.
E pur se muove...
Terrorism briefly can be defined as aggression committed by individuals and groups or countries against people including their religions, intellect, honor and land. Terrorism and extremism are the products of wrong thinking. Socioeconomic factors as well as enmity also breed terrorists.
Terrorism briefly can be defined as systematic attacks against civilian and non-military government agencies with the intent of destabilizing society by inducing fear and uncertainty in the populace for the purpose of imposing the perpetrator's idea of how things should be. The attacks can include indiscriminate bombings and murder, but also robbery, rape, mob violence, intimidation and other crimes.
In this article I would like to focus on Islam, which has been unjustly described by those who are uninformed as a religion of violence and oppression.
That could be because Islam — or at least certain schools of it — is a violent and oppressive religion. If you're looking for a root cause, it's because Islam, alone among major religions, punishes words with actions, usually the imposition of a death sentence.
Actually, if we had learned its teachings as explained in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah and practiced them in our lives there would be no terrorists in our midst.
But there are, so I guess you don't...

Posted by: tipper 2005-02-05