
Estonians rule wife-carrying contest
Don't forget to fly your Estonian flag today, because...
Estonians ran off with the world wife-carrying title in Sonkajarvi, Finland, for the fifth year in a row on Saturday despite new rules on the weight of the spouse. Using the trademark “Estonia carry,” in which the woman squeezes her thighs on the sides of the man’s face while hanging upside down along his back, Meelis Tammre, 24, and Anna Zilberberg, 21, were fastest round the 254-meter course. Thirty-six couples from eight countries took part in the event, in which a man has to carry his wife or partner over a rough track that includes two timber hurdles and a chest-high water pool. Women contestants wore crash helmets due to the inherent perils of the favored ­“Estonia carry” upside-down position, which allows the man to run and use his arms freely. Top prize is the female champion’s weight in beer — in this case Anna’s 49 kgs.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-07-07