
Malay state still working on Shariah laws...
Terengganu's controversial hudud laws will be tabled today by the state's Mentri Besar, Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang, despite nationwide opposition from both Muslims and non-Muslims. The Syariah Criminal (Hudud and Qisas) Bill, which has been postponed several times following strong criticisms of its draft versions, will be presented at the Terengganu state assembly. Said a defiant Datuk Abdul Hadi: 'The laws under hudud are commanded by Allah. As his followers, we cannot but obey Him.'
"Allah commands us to do barbaric things to each other..."
Malaysians, including Muslims, have expressed reservations about the proposed law. Women's groups say it is unjust to women.
"But who cares about them? Let them shut up and breed sons, as Allah commands..."
They have been particularly upset by the requirements it sets for proof in cases of alleged rape. They say its condition that four male Muslim witnesses are needed to back up the allegation makes such crimes impossible to prove. Under the proposed law, thieves will have their hands chopped off and adulterers will be stoned to death if convicted.
Well, that sounds fair...
At a public forum on Thursday, the state's Mentri Besar said he was perplexed by the outcry over the Bill because the laws were meant to build a peaceful society. 'It is the criminals, not peace-loving people, that should fear the hudud laws,' he said. He added that there was too much public concentration on the punitive aspects, such as the chopping of hands and whipping, which had obscured the 'beauty' of the laws.
That's because the places that have them in place concentrate on the chopping and stoning, 'cause that's the "beauty" they see in them.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-07-07