
CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Feeling the Heat as John Durham's Investigation Focuses on CIA Misconduct
[RedState] Why the CIA? Because though we know some, in the quaint words of FBI attorney Lisa Page in her texts to the adulterous Peter Strzok, "OCONUS lures" were approved, there seems to have been an unseemly amount of collaboration with foreign intelligence services in this whole mess. For instance, Christopher Steele’s professional associations were at least as strong with CIA as with the FBI. The whole incident involving George Papadopoulos seems almost entirely an intelligence undertaking. Joseph Mifsud was a Western intelligence asset...most likely Italian. He’s the guy who planted the story with Papadopoulos about the "dirt" the Russians had on Hillary Clinton. Alexander Downer, the former Australian diplomat who had an oh so casual conversation with Papadopoulos in a London bar and reported on that conversation to his superiors, is thought to be an MI6 asset. And we have to wonder why a senior Australian officials felt obliged to report this rumor through intelligence channels. Later on a mysterious woman, ’Azra Turk,’ was dangled in front of Papadopoulos in what appeared to have been an abortive ’honey pot’ operation, something much more in keeping with an intelligence rather than a law enforcement operation.

And, of course, former CIA Director John Brennan was a driving force in the mainstreaming of the Steele Dossier, despite his own agency calling it an ’internet rumor,’ into the Russia Hoax an he has been one of the most vociferous voices pushing that Hoax in the media. And, because Brennan can’t have acted alone, that raises a host of questions about the actions of the CIA...especially considering that it is a CIA officer, Eric Ciarmarella, who acted as the "whistleblower" that set off the impeachment of President Trump.

But, as I note above, the walls seem to be closing in on Brennan and that has caused one of the leading purveyors of the Russia Hoax, Natasha Bertrand, to write a story basically framing this as a loyalty test for CIA Director Gina Haspel. The messenger, here, is the message. Bertrand was an uncritical stenographer for Fusion GPS to the extent that you often see her referred to as "Fusion Natasha."
Posted by: Besoeker 2019-12-29