
UN Begins Process of Handing Internet Control to Ruthless Dictators
[PJMedia] We've known this has been coming for a couple of years. Dissatisfied with control of the internet largely in the hands of western democracies -- especially the United States -- the dictators and religious fanatics of the world have begun the process to seize control of the internet where, I'm sure, you won't be able to insult Islam, call Vladimir Putin a thug, or criticize the Chinese communists.

The United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution that would set up a "committee of experts" whose mission would be to stop "the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes."

Since many countries make it a crime to criticize the government or insult Islam, the resolution does not bode well for internet freedom in the near future.

Summit News:

Human Rights Watch said the list of sponsors for the resolution is "a rogue’s gallery of some of the earth’s most repressive governments" and "gives countries legal cover for internet blackouts and censorship, while creating the potential for criminalizing free speech."

Governments like China already censor and turn off the Internet during times of civil unrest while doling out ’social credit score’ punishments for those who criticize the state.

The Communist country is also rolling out a plan to force its citizens to pass a facial recognition test to use the Internet. Criticized the authorities? No Internet for you.
You have to ask yourself, why Obumble and the left were so eager to hand over control of the internet to these people. If you come up with any answer other than to control you and your speech/thought/actions... then you are an idiot or a useful idiot.
Posted by: DarthVader 2019-12-29