
Baghdad is Trump's Bengazhi
h/t Bongino Report
[Daily Caller] Liberal pundits slammed President Donald Trump's handling of protests at the U.S. embassy in Iraq and suggested it will consume his presidency in the same way the Benghazi scandal did the Obama administration.
Scandal? In the Obama administration?
MSNBC pundit Joy Reid and Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut were among a handful of people who suggested the protest is a result of the president's lack of leadership. A progressive military veteran group also taunted the president over the protests.

The coordinated terrorist attack on the facility in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 culminated in the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and U.S. government personnel Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
However -
Unlike Benghazi, no deaths have been reported so far in the Tuesday protests at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.
Posted by: Bobby 2020-01-01