
Sniff, sniff, I smell a disaster
Oscar telecast is going through changes and the next award might look like the Chris Rock show.
Better test that "Mute" button, the FCC is watching
It starts with a new stage that will jut out into the audience to better suit the host's walk-and-talk style, helping him to prowl the stage and react to the audience.
Heh, heh, heh
Other novelties are planned to be introduced in the Feb. 27 telecast, including the simultaneous appearance of all nominees on the stage when the winner is announced; some groups sitting together in the audience and receiving their awards while seated; others receiving their Oscar statuettes in a traditional way, by going up on the stage.
There's a word for this: Cluster-f*#k
Chuck Warn, Gil Cates's spokesman, said it's going to be a much more interactive experience. The proposal was announced this week by Gil Cates, the longtime producer of the annual Academy Awards show, aiming to improve a telecast that is famous for being long-drawn up.
Gee, how about just mailing it in and forgetting the whole thing?
It will be Cates's 12th Oscarcast this year. He announced a handful of changes on Monday at the 24th annual pre-Oscar luncheon in Beverly Hills before 113 Oscar nominees. But the idea was not totally welcomed. The suggestion to stand on stage might not suit some of the nominees, who are drunk nervous enough just sitting in the audience.
So, who decides who gets the award tossed to them in the audience and who gets to come on stage and thank everyone?

Posted by: Steve 2005-02-09