
Balochistan governor hints at foreign hand in unrest
Balochistan Governor Owais Ghani has claimed that a foreign country is involved in unrest in the province, but would not say which country.
Samoa? Finland? Mauritania?
Talking to Geo TV, he said modern weapons worth Rs500 million had been smuggled into Balochistan for 'terrorism'. "We have informed the Afghan government and the US about the arms smuggling," he said. Responding to a question, Ghani said the name of the country allegedly involved in fanning trouble in Balochistan would be disclosed at an appropriate time.
"When I say so!"
He rejected claims by tribal chiefs that they were being forced to negotiate at gunpoint. "Rather it is the government that is being forced to negotiate at gunpoint," he said. Meanwhile chief of Bugti tribe, Nawab Akbar Bugti said he was not averse to dialogue with the government. But he made it clear it would not be possible until the government arrested persons responsible for rape of lady doctor Shazia Khalid. Bugti claimed that the army captain accused of the rape was being protected as he had influential relatives.
Plus, he's a man.
Speaking to journalists at home town Dera Bugti, Akbar Bugti said tribesmen were being threatened with military action if they did not give up their protests. "But this is not possible," he added. Akbar Bugti said the female doctor was not a 'kari' (consensual) but victim of a heinous crime. He said the tribesmen consider her to be "pure and innocent" adding that "the captain is the sinner."
Posted by: Steve White 2005-02-10