
Realians bestow honorary priesthood on Ward Churchill
Looks like Chief S**tting Bull has found a tribe that will take him:
Rael to bestow Honorary Priest title to Ward Churchill

Rael to bestow "Honorary Priest" title to Ward Churchill for his essay

the 60,000+ members of the Raelian Movement send Churchill their support

Miami, Feb 10, 2005. Rael, leader of the International Raelian Movement (www.rael.org) has just given the "Honorary Priest" title to Ward Churchill (University of Colorado professor) for his essay which most of the US is decrying as insensitive or unpatriotic.
or a direct incitement to mass murder in the best tradition of Julius Streicher.

Ricky Roehr (leader of the US Raelian Movement) is quoted: "Mr. Churchill is exactly right in what he wrote! If we are to have peace, we must take responsibility for our part in the violence and stop handing out blame as if we have done nothing. Quite the contrary, we have done terrible things to countless people.
EFL, more disgusting propaganda, lies, strawmen, and tortured sentence structure at link.
The really remarkable thing is that nobody is especially surprised by this kind of Moonbat link-up. All the insane power-seeker elements in the world seem to be lining up on the same side of the present conflict.
Who would have thought, for example, that virtually every nazi, communist, and anarchist group on the planet, every conspiracy cult, celebrity/media cult, and weird Hollywood religious cult, every academic con-artist and cultural faddist; would be coalescing into a kind of Grand Unified Moonbat alliance in support of Islamic medievalists?

Better yet, this depraved alliance seems hellbent on a violent showdown with the forces of sanity.

Evolution continues apace: The counter-survival traits are increasingly concentrated, so the elimination of one will eliminate them all.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2005-02-11