
‘Hillary' lands in Sundance ‐ and the 2020 election ‐ like a hand grenade
[NYP] PARK CITY, Utah ‐ Hillary Clinton threw a hand-grenade at the 2020 Democratic presidential primary election Saturday with her new documentary, "Hillary."

The one-sided, four-part Hulu series about her life premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, and everything you’ve heard is true ‐ Clinton comes off like Rambo when she talks about current Democratic candidate, and former rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In behind-the-scenes footage from the night of the 2016 Iowa Caucus, we see Clinton seething over the shock success of her competitor, who she sees as little more than a Vermont snake oil salesman. On Feb. 1, Clinton and her team were enraged that Sanders had gotten to within a percent of her victory in the midwestern state, and sought to deprive the man of even a sentimental victory.

"I just don’t want him to get out there and say the revolution is working, [that] people ’felt the Bern,’" she says, before quickly leaving the room to beat him to a speech. Clinton adds that she found his socialist proposals unrealistic and phony. "I had people in my campaign say, ’Just say ’’Free college.’’ Millennials love it,’ " she says. "And I said ’no.’ "

Whenever Sanders is onscreen, his underscoring is brooding and villainous, like Darth Vader just took off his helmet for a breather. In a hallway before a debate in New Hampshire, Sanders asks a tense Clinton how she feels about his suit. "Buttoned or unbuttoned?" he says. Irked, she tells him to undo the button as soon as he gets "worked up."
Posted by: Besoeker 2020-01-27