
Abbas Heads to Gaza to Confront Militants
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will meet Saturday with militant leaders to push them to honor a days-old cease-fire marred by mortar and rocket attacks on Israeli targets, according to an aide. The Islamic militant group Hamas said it would only stop attacks when it was satisfied Israel would release prisoners and stop pursuing militants.

Abbas' planned meetings with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad faction were the latest sign of his commitment to keeping intact the cease-fire he and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared Tuesday to end 4 1/2 years of bloodletting. On Thursday, he fired top security commanders after Hamas bombarded Jewish settlements in Gaza with mortars and rockets. And the central committee of his Fatah movement announced a state of emergency in the Palestinian security forces in an effort to prevent new attacks.

Abbas aide Taeb Abdel Raheem said the Palestinian leader's meetings with the militant factions would take place Saturday night. Asked if Abbas would ask the factions to commit to a cease-fire, Abdel Raheem replied: "I think there is a responsibility, and all the factions should show their responsibility in this sensitive and crucial era." Hamas is interested in a truce, but on condition Israel halt all raids against the militants and release prisoners, spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said. "Hamas still wants a truce, but needs this truce to be with Israeli obligations," Abu Zuhri said.
Posted by: Fred 2005-02-12