
Rangel belittles 'success' of Iraq vote
Amid a general chorus of U.S. approval for the Iraqi election results yesterday, Rep. Charles B. Rangel called the vote "a success by Republican standards" and said Americans "don't want their children to die for other people's freedom."
"I don't believe that the American people think that it was worth the lives of 1,200 Americans and 25,000 men and women in the armed services wounded, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Iraqis dead," the New York Democrat said.
Mr. Rangel, a Korean War veteran, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the war in Iraq is a "fraud" and that the United States cannot and will not bear the price of its children's blood to spread democracy abroad.
"We cannot afford to free people all over the world. We don't have that many lives to give up," Mr. Rangel said...
Mr. Rangel, who mentioned his Korean War service in yesterday's appearance, responded that Americans "don't want their children to die for other people's freedom."
"I'm telling you, we went into Iraq not for elections. We went there to knock off Saddam Hussein, but the American people thought it was connected with 9/11, there was weapons of mass destruction, there were connections with al Qaeda. It was all a fraud," Mr. Rangel said.
"We're fighting this war with other people's kids," Mr. Rangel said.
The results of the Jan. 30 elections in Iraq announced yesterday show a cleric-backed Shi'ite coalition leading with 48 percent of the vote, followed by the Kurdish alliance with 25 percent, which some U.S. leaders predicted would prompt the Kurds to form a governing coalition with other minority groups.
More than 8 million Iraqis, nearly 60 percent of eligible voters, turned out to cast ballots despite repeated threats of violence by insurgents...
More quotable quotes from the man who truly says what the Democrat party thinks.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2005-02-14