
UN sez al-Qaeda's going attack again
Al Qaeda remains determined to carry out its campaign of terror and is expected to further escalate its attacks, a U.N. team monitoring sanctions against the group said.

Terror attacks sponsored by al Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction are among the chief threats confronting the world, the team said in a report on Tuesday.

The Taliban, which sheltered al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan before being toppled by an American-led coalition, also continues to "threaten the stability and reconstruction of the country," the report said.

"The team sees no let-up in the determination of al Qaeda, the Taliban and their associates to continue their campaign of terror. It sees al Qaeda continuing to spread its message to all parts of the world, and a further escalation in terms of brutality of attacks," the report said.

"Whatever the situation in Iraq, al Qaeda's global terrorism will continue and will remain a challenge to all States," it added.

Despite steps taken by U.N. member states to impose military-style weapon embargoes, attacks with small arms and explosives have continued, the team said.

Although countries had put in place measures to stop terror groups from transferring money, "there are many unofficial ways available to circumvent these restrictions."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-02-16