
174 House Dems: Convicted Terrorists Must Not Be Barred from Working for TSA
A different take than the PJMedia’s a few days ago.
[FRONTPAGEMAG] As old Joe Foreign Policy Whiz Kid Biden
...Failed seeker of the Democratic presidential nomination on multiple occasions, vice president under Barack Obama, giving it a last try in his dotage for 2020...
would say, Look, Fat, look, here’s the deal: I’ve been warning for years that it would sooner or later become "Islamophobic" to offer even the mildest opposition to jihad violence, and that the "Islamophobia
...the irrational fear that Moslems will act the way they usually do...
" mongers would become increasingly open about their support for jihad terrorists, and here we are. On Thursday, 174 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted against an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that would prevent the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from hiring convicted terrorists.

Yes, you read that right: if these House Democrats had gotten their way, on your next flight, you could have gotten a pat-down from a TSA agent who previously conspired to down the airplane you were planning to fly on. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
...the GOP house majority whip. He replaces Eric Cantor, who got whupped because his politix are like Kevin McCarthy's...
(R., Calif.) explained that the amendment "was pulled back by leadership because the socialist wing of the party did not want to have that amendment go forward on this bill. When it was offered, overwhelmingly the majority of the House would like to see the TSA not hire faceless myrmidons or those who have been convicted of sexual misconduct with minors and others. But the socialist wing of the party, that controls now the Democratic Party, said that that could not be offered."

holy shit! Allahu akbar, as these prospective TSA employees might have said, the whole thing went kaboom! in their faces: enough Republicans and renegade Democrats votes for the amendment to pass it. But among the luminaries who thought it so important to avoid even the appearance of "Islamophobia" that they opposed an amendment barring faceless myrmidons from pawing through your belongings as you made your way through security were the infamous "Squad," Reps. Alexandria Boom Boom Ocasio-Cortez
Dem Congressgirl from da Bronx in Noo Yawk and leader of the Mean Girl Caucus in Congress. One of the Great Minds of the 21st Century, she is known as much for her innaleck as for her dance moves. She is all in favor of socialism, even though she's fuzzy on the details...
(D., N.Y.), Ilhan Omar
...Somali-American Dem representative from Minnesota. She was apparently married to her brother and may be her own grandmaw on her mother's side...
(D, Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), along with the supposedly sane and responsible House Majority Leader the mealy-mouthed Steny StinkyHoyer
...Nancy San Fran Nan Pelosi's second banana, or plaintain, or mango, or whatever he is. Number Two, anyway...
(D., Md.).

The TSA has always been more security theatre than actual security, but that’s beside the point here: AOC, Omar, and Tlaib and the 171 other House Democrats who opposed this measure didn’t vote against it because it would be ineffective, but clearly because it would offend a key portion of their constituency, which for most, if not all, Democrats today consists of people who believe that faceless myrmidons are victims and American imperialism is the real problem, and that Donald Trump
...Perhaps no man has ever had as much fun being president of the US...
is "racist" for wanting to protect Americans from jihad terror attacks by foreign nationals coming from the countries included in his Travel Ban and violent crimes by illegal aliens coming into the country from Mexico.

Dem Theme Song:

Posted by: Fred 2020-03-13