
Good morning
Joe Biden has yet another gaffe-filled media appearance
Wednesday April 1st, 2020

At least 86 TFSA have been put in prison for defying orders
The money's good, and it sounds romantic to be a mercenary, but then the airstrikes hit and the bullets start flying and there ain't no romance left
Tableeghi Jamaat members across Sindh must remain in their Jamaat centers
Itinerant preachers and al-Qaeda recruiters managed to infect Hyderabad with coronavirus because spreading the word of the Profit is more important than quarantine
Taliban have killed about two dozen Afghan police and pro-government fighters
Peace in Afghanistain looks a lot like open warfare anywhere else
Syrian mercenary commander Abu Hassan Hindawi breathes his last in Libya
Alas, poor Abu! We knew ye so brief!
Iraqi Forces Destroy 24 IS Hideouts near TuzKhurmatu
There's like cockroaches. You wonder where the money comes from.
GNA/Erdogan losses the past 24 hours: Dead—15 Libyans, 29 Syrians Injured—38 (17 critical)
Not a good day to be a fearsome militia member or a highly paid mercenary
Coronavirus Jailbreak: California Gov.
Gavin Newsom Commutes Sentences for 14 Convicted Killers

Posted by: Fred 2020-04-01