
Good morning
Chinese woman in FL bragging about
buying up masks so Americans can't find in stores.
Wednesday April 8th, 2020

Armed group cuts off water supplies to cities in western region
Age old traditional siege tactics
Total blackout in west and south Libya
Just age-old siege tactics, updated to include Reddy Kilowatt
New shipment of Covid19 infected Syrian terrorists mercenaries heading to Libya
That's to replace the ones being shipped back to Istanbul
LNA bombarding Almoze Project where GNA artillery batteries are located
The GNA side describes it as indiscriminate bombing of civilian neighborhoods
Two aircraft leave Tripoli Maitiga carrying dead Turks & Syrians
Being planted at home is very important to the process of getting your 72 sturgeons
AFRICOM kills senior terrorist leader in Somalia
The sweet sound of the Fat Lady warbling
Chinese woman in FL bragging about
buying up masks so Americans can't find in stores.

Posted by: Fred 2020-04-08