
Coronaplague Update: Chinese-made medical supplies to France conditional upon adopting Huawei technology
Spain could be seeing start of coronavirus decline
[FOXNEWS]Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez offered a hopeful tone before the national parliament on Thursday asking for its endorsement of a second two-week extension of Spain’s emergency lockdown.

"The fire starts to come under control... This war against the virus will be a total victory," he said, according to Sky News.

Health officials reported Thursday 5,756 new COVID-19 cases and 683 new deaths attributed to the virus over the previous 24-hour period. That is down compared to new 6,180 cases and 757 new deaths on Wednesday.

Jobless Claims Hit 6.6 Million
[BREITBART] New applications for unemployment hit 6.6 million in the week ended April 4, Labor Department data showed Thursday. The prior week, originally reported at 6.6 million, was revised to 6.9 million.

Claims from three weeks ago were also revised upward. These rose from around 1 million for the week ended March 21 to 3.3 million.

A staggering 16.8 million Americans have been thrown onto the unemployment rolls in just three weeks, underscoring the terrifying speed with which the coronavirus outbreak has brought world economies to a near standstill.

Garcetti Fail: Coronavirus Hits Homeless Housed in Los Angeles Rec Center
[BREITBART] In another setback for Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s effort to move homeless people into neighborhood recreation centers, a homeless individual who was sheltered at a rec center in Granada Hills has reportedly tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus, igniting fears that the virus could start to spread like wildfire among the city’s homeless population.

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer announced Wednesday that 12 homeless people have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Among those is believed to be an individual who recently stayed at the Granada Hills Recreation Center in the San Fernando Valley.

It is believed to be the first time someone had tested positive for coronavirus at one of the L.A. rec centers converted into homeless shelters under the mayor’s plan.

New York is the coronavirus epicenter of the world with more infections than any other country outside the U.S. - and a third of global cases are now in America - as the state tops 159,000 cases

Workers in full Hazmat suits bury rows of coffins in Hart Island mass grave as NYC officials confirm coronavirus victims WILL be buried there if their bodies aren't claimed within two weeks after death toll rises to 4,260

Over 100 Prisoners Riot After Coronavirus Outbreak At Washington Correctional Center

More than 60% of nurses working on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis say they are on the verge of QUITTING their jobs due to 21-day work weeks, mask shortages and being treated as 'expendable', shocking survey reveals

Chinese-made medical supplies to France conditional upon adopting Huawei technology

Egypt, China inaugurate medical face mask plant with 1.7 million masks daily capacity
[AlAhram] The major share of plant production will be headed to the domestic market, to back state’s efforts to curb the COVID-19 outbreak.
With so many countries building factories to manufacture such things, the world will be better prepared to handle future outbreaks without China or anyone being able to hold them hostage.

Posted by: Fred 2020-04-10