
Bernie Sanders Supporters Spread Pro-Murder #GUILLOTINE2020 Hashtag Following Campaign Suspension
[BigLeaguePolitics] Following news of socialist hero Bernie Sanders suspending his campaign for the Democrat nomination for President, some of his most extreme supporters made their voices heard with explicit calls for violence.

As soon as the announcement was made via live-stream, a dedicated segment of his supporters began using the hashtag #GUILLOTINE2020, seemingly advocating for using guillotines to behead their political enemies.

I want Jeff Bezos head in a guillotine. Then Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mike Bloomberg, and of course, Donald Trump.

They shut down Bernie's political revolution, the only choice is a real revolution.#GUILLOTINE2020"
More @ link. And the Twatter site #GUILLOTINE2020, referenced in the article, is worth a visit.
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2020-04-10