
India: Muslim cleric who asked Allah to send virus to kill 500 million Indians now says he was quoted out of context
"Oops - your bad"
[Jihad Watch] "Recently I have got the news that mosques are being set on fire, mosques are being burnt for the last two days. I think something is going to happen within a month. May Allah accept our prayers. May Allah send such a terrible virus to India that ten to twenty to fifty crore
...a unit of counting on the Indian subcontinent equal to 10 million...
people die in India. Am I saying something wrong? It is absolutely blissful."

In what context would this statement be innocuous?

And how long are Muslim clerics and spokesmen going to claim they were quoted "out of context" every time they are caught saying something hateful and inciting to violence? How long will they continue to clain, every time an Infidel quotes one of the Qur’an’s hateful or violent passages, that it is being quoted out of context? As long as the Infidel political and media elites, so eager to be fooled on these issues, continue to let them get away with it without challenge.

"Radical Maulvi Abbas Siddiqui claims he was quoted ’out of context’ after begging Allah to send a virus to kill 50 crore Indians April 6, 2020:
[OpIndia] "In an uncanny apology, radical Maulvi Pirzada Abbas Siddiqui has cried foul after he was caught on tape, pleading Allah to send a virus to kill 50 crore Indians. He read his apology from a sheet of paper while remaining visually remorseless and unregretful about his contentious comments. Siddiqui began by claiming that he was quoted out of context. He then alleged that his video was edited by some miscreants in a bid to defame him.

In an attempt to water down the vitriol that he spewed earlier, Siddiqui went on to say that he respected "India’s secularism" and that he had worked for the people, irrespective of religion and caste.
“Because it is good for the unbelievers to be struck down in the midst of life by Allah in their lakhs and crores....
He also added that he was a ’social reformer’ and that he always prayed for the ’well-being of the people.’ Moreover, in an apparent U-turn, he conceded that people cutting across all races, castes, and religions must be united together to fight against the Wuhan Coronavirus. Following that, he went about explaining his alleged ’goodness’ and acts of ’philanthropy.’ Siddiqui said that he had contributed ₹1,00,001 to the Chief Minister’s relief fund and had distributed food grains and other essential materials to the poor, downtrodden, and the marginalised.

Towards the end of the video, he put forth an apology where he did not seem particularly remorseful, "My objective was not to hurt anyone’s feelings. If anyone is grieved by what I said then I would like to apologize. As an Islamic preacher, I am obliged to not hurt anyone."

In an earlier video referring to the Delhi Anti-Hindu riots, the Maulvi remarked, "Recently I have got the news that mosques are being set on fire, mosques are being burnt for the last two days. I think something is going to happen within a month. May Allah accept our prayers. May Allah send such a terrible virus to India that ten to twenty to fifty crore people die in India. Am I saying something wrong? It is absolutely blissful." After that, the crowd present there applauded the Maulvi’s statement....

Posted by: Frank G 2020-04-11