
U.S. offering up to $10 million for information on Sheikh Mohammad al-Kawtharani, senior military commander of Hezbollah in Iraq
Kawtharani was branded a global terrorist by the United States in 2013, accused of funding armed groups in Iraq and helping transport Iraqi fighters to Syria to join President Bashar al-Assad's effort to put down a revolt against his rule.

Reuters reported in February that according to two Iraqi sources and a senior Iraqi Shi’ite Muslim leader, Kawtharani for now was seen as the most suitable figure to direct Iraqi militias until a permanent Iranian successor could be chosen, although he did not have Soleimani's clout.

“Kawtharani has connections with the militia groups,” the Shi'ite leader said. “He was trusted by Soleimani, who used to depend and call on him to help him in crises and in meetings in Baghdad.”
Posted by: Fred 2020-04-11